Yellow Hope

A second day dawns and still no sky to be seen.

There is something about an overcast day that gnaws at my peace.  It’s one thing if there are clouds defined, if you can see a storm coming.  But an overcast day feels like the absence of hope.  All grey, no color, all stagnant, no end, no peace.

Today, it seems like the physical manifestation of how I feel on the inside.

The enemy has been hard at work this week.  I’ve was disappointed in a relationship so he rushed in like a flood.  Discouragement, fear and doubt bombard bombard.  It’s so thick on me that even my limbs feel heavy.  Fatigue hovers like the overcast sky outside, blocking out yellow sun.

As I drive to work, I call mom.  She prays.  God hears and help comes.  The day continues gray but something lifts.  Somewhere inside sun breaks through a mental cloud.  Breathing gets a little easier.

Eight hours of the work day tick by.  At the end of day, I walk out of the building and something has changed.  The skies have opened, not with rain but with sun.  Overcast sky shredded by wind is now blue again in big blue patches.  Sunlight streams through the clouds in visible yellow rays.

I wish I could lie on my back outside and stare up into blue, breathe in

I get home, get out of my car, begin the walk to my door.  Through the grass and under the oak tree, I walk tired after the battle of the day.  Suddenly I stop and realize that I am shuffling through yellow leaves.

In the same dream course that taught me the meaning of blue, I learned something else.  Yellow means hope.

They cover all the grass and lay thick on the steps leading to my house. Leaves of hope.  Step. Hope.  Step.  Hope.

There on the ground at my feet is proof.  Even in the fall, there is hope.

In my weakness, he is strong.

When the leaves are falling…

When I wonder if I will ever see blue sky again…

Hope paves my path.  Light shines in the darkness.


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